Monday, June 2, 2008

Donna needs your help

Most of my friends know by now that just after Easter
I was Diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I had Surgery on
April 21st. That went Great. They got all the Cancer,
and no Lymph nodes had Cancer. I will start Chemo on
June 9th. I have to do 4 sessions 3 weeks apart that
will take 3 months. I will fly to Anchorage for a few
days for my treatment then have 3 weeks in between in
which time I will fly home and be with the family.
After Chemo is over I have to do 6 weeks of Radiation
in which time Ron and I will live in Anchorage
because the treatments are daily. I am very Scared to
have to go through this Chemo but because my cancer
is an aggressive type I have to do it.
This is the help I need from all my friends:
I need lots of Prayers.
I am going to walk the first lap in our Relay for
Life as a Surviver. I am asking anyone that would
like to make a Contribution you can click on this
and make a donation in my name. I am trying to raise
as much money as I can. Thank You for your Prayers
and Donation. Donna Bender

1 comment:

riley said...

I know we've never met but i think of you and ron as friends. wish I could give you a hug. I told Ron to, I'm praying for the both of you.